OpenDay Mathematical Engineering
Aula Magna di Ingegneria
Dal 18.05.2018 al 31.05.2018
Master degree program in Mathematical Engineering
OPEN DAY Thursday, May 31, 2018 -Aula Magna Ingegneria Via Loredan 20, Padova-
11.00-13:00 Workshop Mathematical modeling in support of companies and startups for effective innovation and technology transfer
- Elisa Alessi Celegon (i4consulting srl)
- Nicoló Bordin (neo-graduate, Phinergy srl)
- Simone Freschi (MPS, desk trading Capitalservice)
- Valter Labio (Confindustria Padova)
- Riccardo Maistrello (Unismart Padova Enterprise srl)
- Andrew J. Nelson (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center)
- Nicoló Spiezia (M3E srl)
The workshop aims at fostering a strict interaction between a work market highly globalized and in rapid evolution, and the academic formation at master level. The participants to the workshop include representatives of companies and startups involved in the production of goods, services and financial products, and the academics responsible for the design and management of the master in Mathematical Engineering (ME). The audience is intended to be composed by the students currently enrolled in the ME master program, the graduates in ME and the undergraduates potentially interested in getting a ME master degree.
15.00-17:00 The students meet with the Mathematical Engineering academic staff
The academic staff of the ME master will met graduate and postgraduate students, to present the master in detail and answer to students' questions.