Exploiting symmetries for preconditioning Poisson's equation in CFD simulations

Seminario che il Dott. Àdel Alsalti-Baldellou, dell' “Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Center (CTTC)” - Universidad Politecnica de Barcelona, terrà venerdì 28 ottobre alle ore 14:00 presso la sala polivalente del dipartimento.

Abstract della presentazione:
Spatial reflection symmetries are common in many academic and industrial CFD configurations. Given a mesh with p symmetries, it is possible to transform Poisson's equation into a set of 2^p fully-decoupled subsystems. By doing so, we can increase the arithmetic intensity, reduce the memory footprint, and improve the convergence of the linear solvers. We have recently investigated ways to exploit symmetries for preconditioning Poisson's equation. With this aim, we have recalled the close similarity of the different subsystems to combine low-rank corrections with standard preconditioning techniques—namely, FSAI and AMG. This talk will overview the different strategies considered and their resulting performance.