Training program & courses catalogue

The PhD Course in Sciences of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering is organized into 2 curriculum:

  • Materials, structures, complex systems and architecture
  • Risk, vulnerability, environment, health and territory                   

During the first year each student has to complete his/her personal educational program consisting of 6 courses, for a total of 18 credits (3 credits for each course), divided as follows:
- 4 courses chosen among the courses offered by our phd course (and listed below);
- 2 courses chosen among the courses offered by our phd course and/or offered by other phd courses.

Courses catalogue:

  1. Advanced design of transport infrastructures (Giacomello, Baliello)
  2. Advanced monitoring and modelling in geotechnical engineering (Brezzi, Ceccato, Gabrieli)
  3. Advanced topics in scientific and parallel programming with practical application to the Capri hpc infrastructure (Baruzzo)
  4. Dynamics of moored floating bodies under irregular waves (Martinelli)
  5. Elements of tensor and numerical algebra (Ferronato, Xotta)
  6. Fluid mechanics for the functional assessment of cardiovascular devices (Susin)
  7. Fundamentals of the Theory of Coupled Phenomena in Porous Media (Prof. Murad, LNCC, Dept. of Computational Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro)
  8. Geomatics methodologies for acquisition, processing, and manipulation of 3-D data (Fabris)
  9. Helicoids and architecture: geometric genesis, digital applications and solutions (Giordano, Monteleone)
  10. River Morphodynamics (Lanzoni)
  11. Innovative techniques for the expansion of exixsting buildings (Turrini)
  12. Integrated sustainable solutions for water and waste treatment in decentralised context under the framework of the circular economy (Lavagnolo, Pivato)
  13. Life Cycle Design for Sustainable Structures (Faleschin, Zanini)
  14. Mechanics of masonry structures (Zampieri)
  15. Mechanics of turbulence (Peruzzo)
  16. Numerical Methods (Bergamaschi, Franceschini)
  17. Statistics for engineers (Salmaso, Arboretti, Disegna)
  18. Sustainable design (Paparella)
  19. Technical innovation in complex building renovation projects (Petriccione)



  1. How to give a scientific presentation (Tognin)