International desk @ DICEA - Support for international students


The International Desk is a dedicated department-based support desk for international students of the University of Padua.

It can provide support and guidance on the following topics:

    • orientation and advising for degree programme choice
    • admission and enrolment
    • students’ welcome and access to university services
    • support throughout the academic career

For the Master’s Degree programmes in Environmental Engineering and Mathematical Engineering please refer to Dr. Miriam Poehner
For the Master’s Degree programme in Water and Geological Risk Engineering, please refer to Dr. Silvia Gualtieri
To contact the International Desk of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (ICEA), please write to

Important notice for enrolled students: always use your Unipd email address ( and specify your student ID number (numero di matricola) and study programme when contacting the International Desk.