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- City and Region - Plans and Projects
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- Hydraulic Engineering
- Hydraulics
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- Applied Thermodynamics
- Architectural Design
- Architectural and Urban Composition
- Architectural and Urban Design
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- Dynamical River Networks
- Resource economics and resource and projects valuation
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Geomechanics
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- Maritime and Coastal Engineering
- Partial differential equations, Geometry and Harmonic analysis
- Real estate economics and project evaluation
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- Structural Mechanics and Structural Engineering
- Urban Planning
- Climate change, territories, diversity
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Research Groups
- City and Region - Plans and Projects
- Climate change, territories, diversity
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Hydraulics
- Hydrology
- Numerical Methods for Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Applied Thermodynamics
- Architectural Design
- Architectural and Urban Composition
- Architectural and Urban Design
- Building Innovation
- Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
- Dynamical River Networks
- Resource economics and resource and projects valuation
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Geomechanics
- Geomatics
- Geotechnics
- History of Architecture
- Maritime and Coastal Engineering
- Partial differential equations, Geometry and Harmonic analysis
- Real estate economics and project evaluation
- Representation - Visualization
- Roads, Railways and Airports
- Statistics
- Technical Architecture
- Transportation Systems Engineering
- Structural Mechanics and Structural Engineering
- Urban Planning
- Funding opportunities
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Scientific collaboration
- Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar - Unidad de Informacion Socio Ambiental - Ecuador
- FLACSO (Falcultad Latinoamerica de Ciencias Sociales), Quito, Ecuador
- Universidad San Francisco de Quito - Ecuador
- CICAME (Centro de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana Culturales), Pompeia, Ecuador
- Departamento ambiente, Gobierno Autonomo Provincial de Orellana - Ecuador
- OLCA (Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos environmental), Santiago de Chile
- Centro de Investigacion en Geografia Aplicada (CIGA-PUCP) of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima Peru
- Collaboration with Conservation International Peru project "Conserving biodivesity and water resources in the western Amazon basin: Alto Mayo basin, Peru and Orito, Mocoa, and Guineo Orteguaza basin, Colombia" in Spanish "Proyecto BioCuencas".
- Department of Geography King's College London for the application in Peru's web based tool Co$ting Nature
- Department of Geography University of South Carolina