Master GIScience - Academic paths and career opportunities
Academic path 1: "Production and management of geo-information" (presential learning)
Courses of the academic path | • Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), law and criteria for operations (2CFU) • History of cartography and the use of historical maps in Geo-historical reconstruction (2CFU) • Biodiversity and ecosystem services in land planning (2CFU) • Remote sensing: data acquisition and geological applications (2CFU) • Digital terrain models and geomorphometry (2 CFU) • Digital photogrammetry and structure from motion (2 CFU) • Modern survey technology (2 CFU) • Information Modeling and Management (IMM) for buildings (BIM) and infrastructures (IIM) (2 CFU) • Spatial statistics and geostatistics for sustainable agriculture (2CFU) |
Career opportunities | The academic path "production and management of geo-information" prepares multipurpose professionals expert on evaluation and management of existing spatial information and in the planning of necessary actions to acquire new information by defining the most appropriate technologies (in particular the role of the Unmanned Systems) according to the needs of the organization. These GIScience professionals can find employment opportunities in the public sector, businesses and non-profit organization as: experts on spatial data valorisation; experts on design and management of spatial data infrastructure; experts at national and European level about the policies of territorial information under the INSPIRE Directive; GIS experts and managers; spatial analysts; experts and responsible of territorial databases; experts and manager of georeferenced marketing. |
Academic Path 2: "GIScience for environmental conflict management and participation on public decision making " (blended and on line asynchronous)
Courses of the academic path | • Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), law and criteria for operations (2CFU) • History of cartography and the use of historical maps in Geo-historical reconstruction (2CFU) • Biodiversity and ecosystem services in land planning (2CFU) • Remote sensing: data acquisition and geological applications (2CFU) • Cartography and GIS in Spatial Planning (2CFU) • Territories of citizens : geography and GIScience for the management of socio-environmental conflicts (2CFU) • Digital Earth, voluntary geography and mapping of ecosystem services (2CFU) • Landscapes social and ecological networks (2CFU) • Precision farming and unmanned systems (2CFU) |
Career opportunities | The academic path "GIScience for environmental conflict management and participation in public decision making" prepares multipurpose professionals expert on management of inclusive decision-making processes and environmental conflicts in the framework of sustainable territorial citizenship implementing the Aarhus Convention and the European and national related policies. These GIScience professionals can find employment opportunities in the public sector, businesses and non-profit organization as experts on the use of mapping and GIS for visualization of scenarios related to complex territorial choices; experts on management of the crowdsourcing of information and geographical knowledge; GIS and inclusive mapping experts during EIA, SEA, and Assessment of Implications processes; experts on cartographic visualization in participatory processes and management of environmental conflicts. |
Academic Path 3: "Cartography and GIS for green infrastructures " (blended and on line asynchronous)
Courses of the academic path | • Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), law and criteria for operations (2CFU) • Biodiversity and ecosystem services in land planning (2CFU) • Remote sensing: data acquisition and geological applications (2CFU) • Cartography and GIS in Spatial Planning (2CFU) • Digital Earth, voluntary geography and mapping of ecosystem services (2CFU) • Landscapes social and ecological networks (2CFU) • Design of green infrastructure (2CFU) • Geothematic cartography (2 CFU) • Geoinformation and technologies for the description of animal movement (2CFU) |
Career opportunities | The academic path on "Cartography and GIS for green infrastructures" prepares multipurpose professionals on design of green infrastructures (green and blue) in the framework of the European integrated policies for biodiversity conservation climate change. These GIScience professionals can find employment opportunities in the public sector, businesses and non-profit organization as experts on the use of cartography and GIS for the visualization of development scenarios, facilitating public debate on alternatives during processes of design and management of green / blue infrastructures; GIS experts on design of ecological networks and connections between protected areas; GIS experts on management of city parks and connections with the green infrastructure; GIS experts on design of land and river ecological corridors; GIS experts on road ecology. |
Academic Path 4: " Geoinformation and new technologies for sustainable agriculture" (blended and on line asynchronous)
Courses of the academic path | • Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), law and criteria for operations (2CFU) • Biodiversity and ecosystem services in land planning (2CFU) • Remote sensing: data acquisition and geological applications (2CFU) • Cartography and GIS in Spatial Planning (2CFU) • Spatial statistics and geostatistics for sustainable agriculture (2CFU) • Geoinformation and technologies for the description of animal movement (2CFU) • Precision farming and unmanned systems (2CFU) • Remote sensing for plant phenomic analysis (2CFU) • Assessment of water and carbon budgets of crops through advanced remote sensing techniques and ground truth (2CFU) |
Career opportunities | The academic path on "geoinformation and new technologies for sustainable agriculture" prepares multipurpose professionals expert in the treatment of geographical information and related technology for the improvement of the environmental performance of agriculture and the spread of sustainable agricultural practices. These GIScience professionals can find employment opportunities in public administrations, business, organizations, as experts on the appropriate tools for managing interactions between agriculture and ecosystems and the consolidation of sustainable farming practices with low use of external inputs and fossil fuels. Among the possible employment opportunities: GIS experts; spatial analysts; experts on interaction among agricultural. |
Academic Path 5: " Geotechnologies nad geoinformation for territorial planning " (blended and on line asynchronous)
Courses of the academic path | • Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), law and criteria for operations (2CFU) • History of cartography and the use of historical maps in Geo-historical reconstruction (2CFU) • Biodiversity and ecosystem services in land planning (2CFU) • Cartography and GIS in Spatial Planning (2CFU) • Digital photogrammetry and structure from motion (2 CFU) • Information Modeling and Management (IMM) for buildings (BIM) and infrastructures (IIM) (2 CFU) • Territories of citizens : geography and GIScience for the management of socio-environmental conflicts (2CFU) • Mobility and Transport: quality of information and quality of decisions (2CFU) • Design of green infrastructure (2CFU) |
Career opportunities | The academic path on "Geotechnologies amd geoinformation for territorial planning" (face to face) prepare multipurpose professional experts in the use of new geographic information technologies for the management and governance of the territory. These GIScience professionals can find job opportunities in public administration, professional studies, institutions, companies, freelance professionals, as experts in the use of a wide range of tools and techniques for the territorial and environmental survey, cartography and GIS in spatial planning at urban and regional scale, participating in the innovative development of relations between BIM (Building information Modeling), IIM (Infrastructure Information Modeling) and GIS. |
Academic path 6: Design and management of spatial data infrastructures and GIS development for the protection and management of the territory (blended and on line asynchronous)
Courses of the academic path | • Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), law and criteria for operations (2CFU) • Cartography and GIS in Spatial Planning (2CFU) • Digital photogrammetry and structure from motion (2 CFU) • Modern survey technology (2 CFU) • Python programming and development in QGIS • Development of webGIS for continuous monitoring of the territory • Spatial data infrastructures from the law to the design • Geoportal implementation and data management on the web • GIS and webGIS in Environmental Assessment (EIA, SEA; Assessment of Implications) |
Career opportunities | The path Design and management of spatial data infrastructures and GIS development for the protection and management of the territory (distance learning), Prepares multiporpose professional experts in degign and management of Spatial Data Infrastructures, WebGIS, GIS development. These GIScience professionals can find employment opportunities in the public sector, institutions, companies, organizations, as: experts in the use, design, implementation and management of geoportals for the publication of spatial data in accordance with the RDNT Italian standard and INSPIRE; experts in the compilation of metadata according to the RNDT Italian standard; in the processing of data produced by Public Administration and in the management of Topographical geodatabases through the use of GeoUML Methodology according to the RNDT specifications; in the design and management of WebGIS made with Open Source technology and in the development of new GIS applications. |
Academic Path 7: GIScience and Geoinformatics (blended and on line asynchronous)
Courses of the academic path | • Spatial statistics and geostatistics for sustainable agriculture (2CFU) • Geoportal implementation and data management on the web • Python programming and development in QGIS • Programming basis • Advanced geodatabase • Python per Data Analysis - Basic • Python per Data Analysis - Advanced • WebGIS Development (front-end application development) (2CFU) • WebGIS Development (back-end application development) (2CFU) |
Career opportunities | The academic path GIScience and Geoinformatics path (distance learning), prepares multipurpose professional expertst in geo-information and geoinformatics. These GIScience professionals have solid knowledge and skills in Python programming, in the management and development of projects related to the territory, from the management of spatial data to the production of WebGIS systems. As GIScience professionals they can find employment opportunities as external experts, managers in public administrations, professional bodies companies, independent consultants, implementing a wide range of instruments and techniques for the development of custom GIS software solutions, webGIS, cartographic production, management, development and analysis of databases, geodatabases and big earth data. |