Teaching evaluation form - Environmental Engineering

Teaching evaluation form - Civil Engineering

Select your year of studies:

Select the course:

1) With reference to the courses of the present Academic Year, how many classes have you attended, in general?

2) In case you were absent sometimes, which was the main reason why you did not attend all the classes of the course?

3) In which period did you attend the classes relative to this course?

4) Indicate the teacher (Surname Name). If the course is given by more than one teacher, fill in for other teachers separately (see below for teacher #2). Answer the following questions for teacher #1.

In the following questions, please indicate in a scale from 1 to 10 (10 corresponds to the best situation) your opinions about the following aspects:

At the beginning of the course have the objectives and the contents of the course been clearly explained?

Has the modality of the exam been clearly defined?

Has the timetable been respected?

Was the preliminary background good enough for the understanding of the topics addressed by the course?

Independently from how the course has been delivered, do you judge the topics of some interest for you?

Has the teacher stimulated/motivated your interest on the course?

Was the teacher clear in his/her classes?

Was the suggested/provided material adequate?

Was the teacher available for explanations out of the timetable of the classes?

Were laboratories, assignments, workshops, if planned during the course, adequate?

Is the required load of private study balanced with the number of credits associated to the course?

How much do you consider yourself satisfied about how the course has developed in the whole?

Among the following improvements to the course, which are those which you think that should be implemented (please, select maximum 3 improvements):