Resource economics and resource and projects valuation

Chiara D’Alpaos
Francesca Andreolli
Paolo Bragolusi

Research areas:

Investment decisions under uncertainty and real options theory: economic and financial valuation of investments (projects involving tangible assets versus financial instruments) by implementing dynamic stochastic optimization modeling; development and implementation of theoretical models to value managerial flexibility and determine the optimal exercise timing of investments in real estate and infrastructures; development and implementation of theoretical models to value managerial flexibility and determine the optimal exercise timing of investments in renewables and the energy sector; valuation of the economic impact of public investments on territories and local areas and on their socio-economic and production activities.

Regulation and management of public utilities: investment decisions and projects valuations in regulated sectors; service cost analysis and identification of operating and management costs; design of tariff mechanisms and affordability and fuel poverty issues; management of financial and operating risks; assets valorization.

Public procurement and efficient auction mechanisms design: design of optimal incentive/disincentive schemes in public procurement contracts and concession contracts to avoid delays and cost overruns; analysis and identification of suppliers’ strategic behaviors; design of multidimensional awarding procedures for efficient auctions in the absence of incentives in procurement and concession contracts; evaluation of explicit and implicit costs of renegotiation.

Valuation of public policy, plans and projects and multi-criteria analysis to support decision making: MCDA and MCDM; hierarchical and outranking approaches to the valuation of a) sustainable re-use of existing assets and historical heritage, b) urban regeneration and environmental safeguard investment projects, c) public policies, and d) optimal incentive schemes design.

Keywords: Economics, Investment Decisions, Resource Valuation, Projects and Policy Valuation