Associate Professor
Address: Via Venezia, 1 - Padova
Phone: 049 8276737
Scientific sector: ICAR/17 - DESIGN
Research Activity
Degree in Architecture (April 2003) at IUAV University. rating: 110/110 cum laude (supervisor prof. A. De Rosa). Title: Geometrie Celesti e Geometrie Terrestri: l'Osservatorio di Jai Singh II (Jaipur, India).
(06-01-2006 / 05-31-2008, 24 months) Research grant holder (art. 51, comma 6, L.27/12/1997, n. 449) at University of Padua, Faculty of Engineering; title of the research: Geometria, Configurazione, Costruzione: La chiesa di Santa Sofia a Padova (supervisor prof. Andrea Giordano).
(06-01-2008 / 12/31/2009; 18 months) Research grant holder (art. 51, comma 6, L.27/12/1997, n. 449) at University of Padua, Faculty of Engineering; title of the research: Analisi e Rappresentazione dell'inserimento urbano della chiesa di Santa Sofia a Padova (supervisor prof. Andrea Giordano).
Ph.D in "Architectural Composition" curriculum in "Survey and Representation of Architecture" (supervisor prof. Agostino De Rosa) at IUAV University, XXV cycle (03/25/2013); rating: excellent. Title: Forms Follow Intuition: Geometria e Astrazione nel Guggenheim Museum di Frank Lloyd Wright.
(04-15-2013 / 04-14-2014; 12 mesi) FSE Research grant holder at IUAV University. Title: Strategie innovative per la comunicazione del bene librario: progetto per la realizzazione di un protocollo rappresentativo di digital library (supervisor prof. Agostino De Rosa). See:
he participates in national and international researches in drawing and survey of architecture and city, in descriptive geometry, in history of representation, in the use of advanced technologies for virtual and augmented reality.