Full Professor
Address: Via Marzolo, 9 - Padova
Phone: 049 8275431
246 ISI Journal papers. Citation count (source: Google Scholar 2.6.2017):
All Since 2012
Citations 14991 7301
h-index 71 45
i10-index 195 161
10 Choice of publications (full list on
1. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., A. RINALDO, Fractal River Networks: Chance and Self-Organization , Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997 (1592 citazioni)
2. Banavar, J.R., A. Maritan, A. RINALDO, Size and form in efficient transportation networks, Nature, 399, 130-133, 1999 (667 citations)
3. Bellin, A., P. Salandin, A. RINALDO, Simulation of dispersion in hetereogeneous porous formations. Statistics, first-order theories, convergence of computations, Water Resources Research, 28(9), 2211-2227, 1992 (275 citations)
4. RINALDO, A., I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, R. Rigon, E. Ijjasz-Vasquez, R.L. Bras, Self-organized fractal river networks, Physical Review Letters, 70(6), 822-825, 1993 (261 citations)
5. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., A. RINALDO, R. Rigon, E. Ijjasz-Vasquez, R.L. Bras, Energy dissipation, runoff production and the 3-dimensional structure of river basins, Water Resources Research, 28(4), 1095-1103, 1992 (443 citations)
6. RINALDO, A., I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, R. Rigon, E. Ijjasz-Vasquez, R.L. Bras, Minimum energy and fractal structure of drainage networks, Water Resources Research, 28(9), 2183-2195, 1992 (214 citations)
7. RINALDO, A., A. Marani, R. Rigon, Geomorphological Dispersion, Water Resources Research, 27(4), 513-525, 1991 (294 citations)
7. Maritan, A., A. RINALDO, R. Rigon, A. Giacometti, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, Scaling laws for river networks, Physical Review E, 53(2), 1510-1515, 1996 (195 citations)
8. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., G.K. Vogel, R. Rigon, D. Entekhabi, F. Castelli, A. RINALDO, On the spatial organization of soil-moisture fields, Geophysical Review Letters, 22(20), 2757-2760, 1995 (217 citations)
9. Banavar, J.R., J. Damuth, A., Maritan, A. RINALDO, Supply-demand balance and metabolic scaling, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 99, 10506-10509, 2002 (204 citations)
10. RINALDO, A., W.E. Dietrich, R. Rigon, G.K. Vogel, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, Geomorphic signatures of varying climate, Nature, 374, 632-635, 1995 (142 citations)
books (recent)
RINALDO, A., Il governo dell'acqua. Ambiente naturale e Ambiente costruito, Marsilio, Venezia, 2009 (Finalista Premio Gelileo 2010)
Research Activity
Hydrology. Ecohydrology. Geomorphology. Transport process in the hydrologic cycle. SPectral methods. Stochastic models of natural phenomena. Networks in Nature. Spatial ecology. Metapopulation models. FLuvial networks as ecological corridors for species, populations and pathogens of waterborne disease.