The Nineth ERCOFTAC da Vinci Competition Rouen, October 16, 2014
1) Selection
Each PC may nominate up to 3 candidates for the competition. The selected candidates will be required to submit 3-page summaries of the research, to be judged by the 2014 da Vinci Jury. The members of this Jury will include most of the 2013 Jury to which some new members will be added, selected by the Chair of the SPC.
Summaries should be presented by the candidates individually and include:
• Title of the work
• Name, address and affiliation, email address, telephone number
• Name of supervisor(s)
• List of 5 keywords characterizing the work
• Popularized description of the work, explaining the main problem and the main result in a language that is understandable to the general public (max ½ page)
• List of up to 5 publications and indication of total output volume
• Scientific summary highlighting objectives, research route, methodology, outcome, applicability, including the main results and if possible a graphical representation.
Particular emphasis should be given to novelty and originality of the findings.
The Jury will decide on a shortlist of approximately 5 entries to be presented at the actual da Vinci event in Cambridge. Please note that due care should be given to the 3-page Summary of the work as this is all the information the Jury will have available for its decision regarding the shortlist. It is essential that the candidates write the Summary independently.
2) Eligibility
Candidates may be PhD students or PhD graduates who have submitted their PhD theses no earlier than 1st January 2013.
3) Financial Support
Travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses incurred by the candidates will be reimbursed by ERCOFTAC. Prior to participation, selected candidates are expected to present travel and accommodation plans to the Chair of the SPC for approval.
4) Prizes
The winner will be awarded the 2014 da Vinci Medal, a certificate and a cash prize of 1000 Euros. The other finalists will receive certificates and medals.
5) Key Dates
15th July 2014 - Deadline for submission by the PC coordinators of Summaries as pdf file to the SPC Chairman: ercoftac_spc@ewi.utwente.nl
15th September 2014 - Decision of Jury announced by the SPC Chairman
1st October 2014 - Selected finalists will be informed and given instructions on the presentations they will be expected to make.
16th Obtober 2014 - da Vinci Competition - Rouen