Master GIScience - Training activities

The Master is divided into 20 credits of common courses, 18 CFU for each academic path and 22 credits of stage. There are 304 hours of lectures, 646 hours of individual study, 450 hours of stage for and 100 hours of a total of 1,500 hours, corresponding to 60 credits.
The Master takes the approach of learning in the situation, alternating lectures of teachers with practical examples and immediate experimentation. There will be excursions and survey activities on the field. 

Common courses (20 CFU)
From geography of complexity to GIScience: territorial practices and professional approaches  (2CFU)
From the topographic map to the physical landscape: interpretation of geomorphology (2CFU)
Between professional GPS and mobile GIS: survey and reference system for cartography (2CFU)
Participatory GIS e Drones for Good: GIScience, empowerment and inclusive decision making (2 CFU)
GIS: structure, functions and models for territorial vector data con QGIS (2CFU)
Raster analysis with ArcGis and QGIS-GRASS (2CFU)
WebGIS design and management (2CFU)
Remote sensing: applications in geomorphology and environmental management (2CFU)
Unmanned Systems for territory and resource management (2CFU)
Geo Database Open Source and geospatial data structures with Postgresql / PostGIS (2CFU)


Academic path courses (18 CFU)
 Path 1 Path 2 Path 3 Path 4
Production and management of geo-informationGIScience for environmental conflict management and participation on public decision makingCartography and GIS for  green infrastructuresGeoinformation and new technologies for sustainable agriculture
Blended and on line synchronous (presential learning)Blended and on line asynchronousBlended and on line asynchronousBlended and on line asynchronous
Path 5
Path 6 Path 7
Geotechnologies and geoinformation for territorial planningDesign and management of spatial data infrastructures and GIS development for the protection and management of the territoryGIScience and Geoinformatics
Blended and on line asynchronousBlended and on line asynchronousBlended and on line asynchronous


Stage or project work (18CFU)
Final Evaluation (4CFU)